This was a renovation of an attic flat built in the 80s, which just so happened to belong to this client who is also the architect within the supervision and development. So, it became a bit of a testing ground too. The project was approached with a combination of experimental brainstorming and lots of ideas and excitement. These are risks that generally work out, all part of the day to day process of worrying but also enjoying.
We avoided installing air-conditioning, which meant changing all the property’s layout. We created a system of room-related wind tunnels, activated with simple air outputs and inputs to help the place ventilate and breathe. The sliding doors boast several functions: they cover, hide, reveal and insinuate what lies beyond in the shape of spaces, books, white goods… Everything is drawn up to the last millimetre, it is studied before being executed, it is drawn and then it is built.
I don’t believe in that theory that the most complicated client is yourself.